21 Oct

The New, New York?

We have talked before about Jim Rogers as a person who is not afraid to “think differently.”

As a young adult he co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros. After a few years of living in New York City, he realized that  he wanted more out of his life and went on his first trip around the world. He wrote about that trip in the book Investment Biker (he did the first trip via boat and motorcycle). He has since gone on three trips around the world that have each lasted over three years.

He had an interesting quote today about “moving to Asia.”

“When I was selling my New York house, I almost backed out; I just couldn’t bear the thought of leaving. But now I’m very happy here. I fly to New York and I realize I’m in a Third World airport. Then I get into a Third World taxi onto a Third World highway. The difference now just slaps me in the face. New York is a wonderful place, with the people and the vibrancy, but I can find the same vibrancy, if not more, in Asia.”

This is not to point out negative aspects of New York, its to highlight his interesting thesis:

“If you were smart in 1807 you moved to London, if you were smart in 1907 you moved to New York City, and if you are smart in 2007 you move to Asia.”

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