28 Aug

Why This Life+Changing Link Got 1,000,000+ Shares

50 Life Tips and Secrets

Ryan Calvert first shared this literature with Brian and Brian shared it with me.

Jordan’s 50 Life Tips and Secrets changed my life. I shared it with hundreds of my college friends and friends and family from home too.  The result was always overwhelmingly positive and often times “life changing.” I printed this and plastered it to my wall and asked everyone to read it when they came over. I printed out multiple copies and handed them out to people I didn’t even know.

Why was this shared with 1,000,000 people? Because it’s insanely great work. Powerful yet concise pieces that challenge assumptions and provide value are inherently shareable.

Jordan is a friend of ours and we respect and admire the path he’s taken in life. He’s an outstanding guy and a thought leader for the coming generation. Check out the link below and browse his website for inspiration and thought provoking content. Their mission is bold. And simply put: they’re changing the world.

Now, we’re sharing it with the Lucid Practice Community. Who will you share it with?

50 Life Tips and Secrets

1 comment Paz Romano

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