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5 Lessons from a Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh
5 Lessons from a Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh Coder and yoga practitioner, Claire Byrne writes about how yogis and coders have a lot in common, mainly in the pursuit of understanding how the world works. Here’s an excerpt from an article where Claire talks about how yoga eased the physical ailments (inactive spine, tight joints and muscles) […]
Our buddy Pat, and his sister bird…
Enjoyed some coffee today in Colombia’s most well known coffee territory, Zona Cafetera
Why meditate?
Why meditate? When you sit still and watch your thoughts rise and fall, without commenting, without criticizing or editing, gradually your mind, which before was a no-fly zone, becomes your inner neighborhood, a place you like to visit, a clean, well-lit garden, free of fear and tension. Via Dharma Forest