I Have to ~~~> I Get to
We can bring more positive energy and gratitude into our lives by eliminating the phrase, “I have to” from our vocabularies. If you’d like to take this a step further, you can replace “I have to” with “I get to.” Our “self+talk” sends signals to our subconscious & affects the way we perceive life. This […]
What is Satya?
What is Satya? In English, the Sanskrit word Satya is translated to mean “truth.” Satya is one of the Yamas from the Yamas and Niyamas that Patanjali passed down in Yoga Sutras (arguably the most important yogic text). The Yamas and Niyamas are the first two limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. The Yamas and Niyamas can be best simplified […]
Road to Machu Picchu – Peru in 4K
Is Your Home Keeping You Healthy? ‘WELL’ Will Soon Tell You
I have been working with a company that works with a firm called DELOS over the last few weeks. DELOS is an awesome company that is being led by Dr. Deepak Chopra, among others. I love the idea of the company – helping people understand and effectively place wellness elements into their lifestyle. Whether its […]