4 Tips For A Comfortable Downward-Facing Dog
Some beginners tell me that the Downward Facing Dog position is not relaxing or comfortable for them. Several clients describe pain in their wrists and shoulders. These 4 tips can help put you at ease with one of the most common yoga poses: Softening The Shoulders Putting all of your weight in to the upper body […]
Modern Life: a time management discussion
Last week we shared Anthony Demello’s poem, A parable on modern life. A great conversation ensued. I wanted to share it with everyone and see if anyone else can share their story and practice when it comes to time management. “A PARABLE ON MODERN LIFE The animals met in assembly and began to complain that […]
Reading and English Majors
From Chronicle — The Ideal English Major: Real reading is reincarnation. There is no other way to put it. It is being born again into a higher form of consciousness than we ourselves possess. When we walk the streets of Manhattan with Walt Whitman or contemplate our hopes for eternity with Emily Dickinson, we are reborn […]