All of Gandhi’s worldly possessions
Via @HistoryInPics
JR: If you are happy, not much else matters in life
“Being happy, that’s the main thing I’m trying to help with. If you’re happy, not much else matters in life, at least in my experience. There’s various ways to be happy, of course. I’m trying to tell people the things that I have learned. I’m trying to teach them to be curious, independent. It’s very […]
David Icke – Breaking The Spell & The Full Magnitude of Who We Are
What is the least known, great food pilgrimage in the United States? The world?
Tyler Cowen poses this question on Marginal Revolution: Could it be Hmong Village, 1001 Jackson Parkway, in north St. Paul? It is a large indoor market, set in a warehouse, Hmong stores and stalls only, a kind of Eden Center (for those of you who know Falls Church, VA) for Laotians. The produce and spice and […]