25 Aug

Money as the currency of love

Inspired by Rupert Spira’s meditations on “Money as the currency of love.”


Think of money as the currency of love.

Do what you love.

Earn money from it.

Spend it on what you love.

In a culture where we all recognize each other as One, money can be the form of currency that enables a flow of love.

If you can, do “work” that you love to do, and the universe will pay you for it.

Artists are great examples. In many different beautiful areas of the world, you will find a local art shop with an artist who loves painting the beautiful landscape they are surrounded by. Their paintings are not normally cheap. They love to paint, and they get paid for it. Their art brings joy to the person purchasing and utilizing their work.

What I have noticed…Do a project or work that brings a level of joy, understanding, and love to the world and money will probably follow.

If the work yields a surplus of money, give it to whoever or whatever is that you love. Take care of other people with it.


Building on this concept, it is important to recognize that we are called to make money for:

Utility function. This is money used to take care of ourselves. Money to purchase food, purchase shelter, medicine, etc. This is money we need to somewhat survive.

Purpose. We can make money by sharing our purpose or a purpose with the world. Or simply doing what we love to do.

Purpose driven work, for me, is something I call “life work.” It is good to be in a place where we are building out our portfolio of “life work.”

Life work is work completed not necessarily for the dollars it places into our pocket, but for the self-awareness it can help create and the joy it creates in our being. Also, for the joy and positive energy it spreads to others.

Right now, for me, *most days* I feel like I am tapping into my life work by sharing Clean Air solutions with the world. Clean Air can have a great impact on human health and lifespan. It also can help with cognitive function. Indirectly it can greatly impact carbon emissions in buildings.

Working with my team to share these solutions with the world gives me a sense of purpose.

It is great when our profession aligns with our life work, but it is not necessary. Life work can occur before or after work, on weekends, etc. Tim inspires me with the work he is doing with Zen Earth Inspired.

I also find it helpful to think of life work as a practice of service. In creating and educating, we are serving ourselves and others. If we can back off the ego and focus on doing the next right thing or looking at the next task as a service, rather than a money-making opportunity to feed our ego, I feel like that is a great place to be.

In most spiritual circles, it seems people don’t like discussing money. They feel like money can feed the ego, power-hungry, side of ourselves. That is true, but money can also be the currency of love.





1 comment blevine32

One thought on “Money as the currency of love

  1. Bob Campbell says:

    Very thougt-provoking, .Brian🤗

    Thank you for sharing.

    As for me, I do not believe I have ever done things for the money they might provide. Actually Most of my life has been ordered to being of loving service to others…. Not something that provided me with money. Yet, I always seemed to obtain enough money to “survive”, that is to provide my basic needs.



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