Daily Cup of Yoga: 7 Ways to Have Tantric Experiences
Is what you’re practicing actually yoga lite? Maybe it’s actually Tantra. Have you ever questioned whether or not you’re a real yogi? Can you call yourself a real yogi if you don’t meditate in a cave, wear a loincloth or orange robes, or know which mantra or mudra to use at exactly the right moment? […]
Entheos: Necessities for Comfort & Happiness
“But Joseph Hume was not a man to enjoy the fruits of his industry in idleness. Work and occupation had become necessary for his comfort and happiness.” ~ Samuel Smiles from Self-Help I just love this: “Work and occupation had become necessary for his comfort and happiness.” For some wacky reason we seem to have this idea that […]
“Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions.”
Backpacking the Osa Peninsula Costa Rica – Average Daily Cost – $35 Per Day
Backpacking the Osa Peninsula The Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica : How to get there and what to do: After days of a laid-back jungle lifestyle, surrounded by the most beautiful natural sights, I’m happy to report that the Osa Peninsula on the South Pacific region of Costa Rica is a must-see when traveling in Costa […]