How To Eat Mindfully, A Practice That Will Change Your Life
We have talked a lot in the past about mindful eating. Dr. Joel Kahn does a great job explaining this practice. 4. Sit and chew. I do not know how many meals I eat standing, but sitting at a table, sharing conversation, paying attention to colors, textures and tastes are the way most meals where […]
Maldives HD
Why Don’t We Practice Ashtanga on Moon Days?
Practice Ashtanga on Moon Days? Why don’t we practice Ashtanga on Moon Days (Full Moon and New Moon)? You will find that traditional Ashtanga shalas and studios are closed on Moon Days because Moon Days present us with an opportunity to take a break from our asana practice and reflect on the natural, subtle changes we […]
9/11 Art: 10 Moving Photos of the Black Rhino
Check out rest of slideshow @ intentblog— here.