The new musical “Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds,” written by the late reggae musician’s eldest daughter, Cedella, will open at the New Victory Theater in New York on Feb. 7, one day after what would have been his 69th birthday.
“This is going to be the best birthday ever for dad,” Cedella Marley said. “There will be a lot of children around celebrating.”
The musical is based on Cedella’s children’s book, “Three Little Birds,” which she wrote after realizing that her father’s song would calm her own three young children. “That was the song that could put them to bed at night and wake them up in the mornings,” she said. “My middle son was getting bullied at school. He would come home crazy sad and I would hum the song to him.”
The “Three Little Birds” musical originated in Washington, D.C., last year, and Cedella remembers bringing her three children to the opening night. “To see the little children in the audience singing along — I thought maybe they would know 1-2 songs, but they knew so many,” she said “I was like, wait a minute! They were singing ‘One love.’”
In addition, the musical includes the title song “Three Little Birds,” “Jamming,” “Roots Rock Reggae,” “I Shot the Sheriff,” “Is This Love” and many others. The show will play at the New Victory until Feb. 23.
Speakeasy talked with Cedella Marley about “Three Little Birds,” preserving Bob Marley’s legacy from oversaturation, and whether the Marley family will open a marijuana farm.
Are there plans for “Three Little Birds” to transfer to Broadway?
Listen, I’m crossing my fingers and my toes. I would love that. That’s one of my dreams, to see dad’s music on Broadway. “Reggae on Broadway,” which is one of his songs too.
Bob has played so many roles to so many people. It is exciting to hear that he will still be touching many children and adults through a musical show.