13 Jun

One minute speech by Jim Carrey can change your life

1 comment blevine32
10 Jun

The Most Powerful Video on Spirituality and Happiness

I’m grateful that I had a chance to read Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth last year. Very interesting man and mind.

1 comment blevine32
9 Jun

Grateful Dead – Sugar Magnolia

Sunshine daydream,

walking in the tall trees,

going where the wind goes

blooming like a red rose,

breathing more freely,

ride our singin,

I’ll walk you in the morning sunshine

Sunshine daydream

0 comments blevine32
8 Jun

The Game Before The Game

One of the best parts about playing sports….the game before the game.

0 comments blevine32
1 Jun

Brooklyn Farmer

Michael Tyburski is killin’ life on his own terms.

“Are we sustainable? Are we creating a positive environment?”

2 comments blevine32
11 May

City Lights: Los Angeles (Short Video)

0 comments blevine32
10 May

Kevin Durant 2014 MVP Speech (Dedicated to his Mother)

If you are a parent, help your kids do one thing….Believe. Teach your kids that no matter how big or small they are, they can accomplish anything in this world they want to.

0 comments blevine32