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Seth Godin: Nature and nurture (professional edition)
The boss, conference organizer, co-worker, interviewer, parent or client who wants your best work, your art and your genuine enthusiasm: …can demand that you bring your best possible work the first time, can point out that they are paying you well, that they’re busy, that they’re powerful, and that they accept nothing short of high […]
2 Great Travel Sites:
How Elon Musk Got Into Space
How do you position yourself to disrupt an industry? Elon Musk: When you’re looking for an opportunity, I think it’s important not so much to focus on just disruption for the sake of it, but rather where is an industry either stagnant or in decline, where the product or service has stayed pretty much the […]
Growing Spinach
One of our first garden learning experiences was growing spinach. We planted organic spinach seedlings in early May. Nick Mancini’s patented “seaweed and compost in the bottom of each hole” method was employed and we were excited for the growing experience. Growth was slow and steady. One week went by and we fed our spinach […]
Great jam as always, my friend. Keep them coming 🙂