Fair or Foul?
This week’s issue of The Economist looks at American college sports, a multi-billion-dollar industry with unpaid athletes.
This week’s issue of The Economist looks at American college sports, a multi-billion-dollar industry with unpaid athletes.
Jon Negroni does fun, creative work explaining why, “Every pixar movie is connected.” Several months ago, I watched a fun-filled video on Cracked.com that introduced the idea (at least to me) that all of the Pixar movies actually exist within the same universe. Since then, I’ve obsessed over this concept, working to complete what I call “The […]
50 Life Tips and Secrets Ryan Calvert first shared this literature with Brian and Brian shared it with me. Jordan’s 50 Life Tips and Secrets changed my life. I shared it with hundreds of my college friends and friends and family from home too. The result was always overwhelmingly positive and often times “life changing.” I […]
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