11/20 Destination: Yard pose | A day in NYC
Cultivating Compassion to Tame the Ego
First published on Daily Cup of Yoga By cultivating friendliness towards happiness and compassion towards misery, gladness towards virtue and indifference towards the wicked the mind becomes pure. ~ Yoga Sutra 1:33 Consider this: A yoga teacher gets a better time slot than you and her class is full when you arrive to teach the next class. […]
BBC: How yoga is helping prisoners stay calm
We don’t normally post from the same source two days in a row (or should say we have not in the past). But…the BBC posted a massive piece last night covering yoga in prisons, and I think it is worthwhile to continue to spread the amazing message of how the practice is transforming lives. Check […]
6/18 Art: Tom Everhart
Tom Everhart, Lucy’s Scream, 1995