5 Healthy Summer Fruits and Vegetables
1) Raspberries- Low sugar content, 8 grams of fiber in one cup. 2) Collard Greens- Calcium, Vitamins A + C, and other important nutrients. 3) Peaches- Great source of potassium. 4) Red Bell Peppers- High levels of Vitamin C and beta-carotine. 5) Heirloom Tomatoes- Phytonutrient lycopene levels may help prevent prostate cancer. Jump to Margaret […]
Masterpiece Days
Masterpiece days are days where you are happy, peaceful and content. We’ve been kicking around actions we enjoy, that lead to great days. Here are a few ideas. Waking early. Waking early before the sun sets the tone for a great day. It’s also a practice that creates self empowerment, self responsibility and self awareness. […]
The Ends of the Road
http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2013/06/the-ends-of-the-road/100534/ “Inspired in part by the great geography game GeoGuessr, I spent some time recently in Google Maps, finding the edges of their Street View image coverage. I’ve always been drawn to the end of the road, to the edges of where one might be allowed to travel, whether blocked by geographic features, international borders, or […]