Photo of The Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand
Photo by Danielle Lussier on 5/28/2014
“Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.”
Positivity and Relationships People often ask how they can bring positive energy into their lives. The answer is that it begins with common interactions we all have on a daily basis. Interacting & conversing with people without a conscious plan can lead to negative conversations that consist of complaints, insults, and overall negative energy. So, […]
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Dan, this is an incredible photo.
Thanks Bri!! The Grand Palace is an incredibe place 🙂
Hey Danielle, nice picture. Im curious, how are things in Bangkok right now? I wont go by press writings, so interested to hear from someone actually there.
Hey Jason,
Thanks! Good question, I just sent you an email on our experience in Bangkok/Thai islands last week. Talk to you soon 🙂