“Better than knowledge is meditation. But better still is surrender of attachment to results, because there follows immediate peace.” – B.G.
1 Simple Question You Have to Ask Yourself to Attain Self-Realization
In the early 20th century, an enlightened Indian sage named Ramana Maharshi lived at the base of a mountain thought to be the incarnation of Lord Shiva himself. Ramana’s radiance attracted many disciples, including westerners like Sumerset Maugham. When his disciples asked how to attain Self-realization, Ramana directed them to meditate on a single question: […]
Lucid Lessons from Summer Basketball Part II
This is a continuation of last week’s post, if you haven’t read it yet, you can see it here. The Nats were different than most teams. When things got tough for the team, they didn’t get down on each other or themselves. The Nats encouraged each other and their positive energy was infectious. As a result, […]
The Yamas: What is Brahmacharya? What is it to you?
What is Brahmacharya? In recent posts, we’ve discussed many Yamas and Niyamas of Yoga, but what is Brahmacharya? The Yamas are the first limb on yoga’s eight-limbed path. They are ethical disciplines Yogis live their lives by. In the last few weeks we have wrote about the four other Yamas: ahimsa, satya, asteya, and aparigraha. Today […]