Some very solid points by Mr. McKenna. To be aware of the constant programming is a form of positive energy.
Hat tip to Trigs for the link! “Coffee and tea are great in moderation, but overuse of them when we’re tired can backfire. I know I often hit that three p.m. wall of tired and it would be easy to grab a cup of yerba mate. Relying on caffeine to pick you up sets you up for interrupted sleep and higher […]
Via Imgur
Yoga and Athletics Interview : Sage Rountree We have a special guest interviewee for this week’s interview which is focused mainly on yoga and athletics. This is the final week of our 8 week yoga interview questions and answers series. For each of the past 8 weeks, we’ve presented interviews of 8 influential yoga bloggers. […]
“: How to Reclaim your mind by Terence McKenna (Short Video) – – #Consciosuness”
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