Indonesia 2013 from Jake on Vimeo.
Positivity and Relationships People often ask how they can bring positive energy into their lives. The answer is that it begins with common interactions we all have on a daily basis. Interacting & conversing with people without a conscious plan can lead to negative conversations that consist of complaints, insults, and overall negative energy. So, […]
General Mills Agrees to Remove GMOs from Original Cheerios Amid pressure from consumers, General Miss has agreed to discontinue the use of Genetically Modified Organisms within their flagship cereal, Original Cheerios. General Mills had already made this change in Europe and other parts of the world but resisted in the US, spending over $1mm USD […]
Practice Ashtanga on Moon Days? Why don’t we practice Ashtanga on Moon Days (Full Moon and New Moon)? You will find that traditional Ashtanga shalas and studios are closed on Moon Days because Moon Days present us with an opportunity to take a break from our asana practice and reflect on the natural, subtle changes we […]