4 Aug

Masterpiece Days

Masterpiece days are days where you are happy, peaceful and content.

We’ve been kicking around actions we enjoy, that lead to great days.

Here are a few ideas.

Waking early. Waking early before the sun sets the tone for a great day. It’s also a practice that creates self empowerment, self responsibility and self awareness.

Seeing sun naturally to start circadian rhythm. In the morning it is a nice feeling to start our internal clock by checking in with the sun. Also, thanking the Sun for everything it gives us.

All this time
The Sun never says to the Earth,

“You owe me.”

What happens
With a love like that,
It lights the whole sky.”


Closed eye Meditation. Clearing the mind, becoming no-thing, developing inner-sight, no effort.

Sitting. Sitting “just to sit.” 5-10 minutes of connected sitting. Sitting while “being aware of being aware.” Practicing being “no-thing” and identifying with no-thing.

Prayer. Reflecting on people and things you care deeply about.

Movement/Exercise. 50 pushups, a bike ride to move and connect with nature, yoga asana, run or walk.

Making coffee or tea in morning. There is something peaceful about the process of grinding beans, putting up a pot of coffee or tea, and waiting for the drink to come to temperature.
Yoga asana. If even for 5 minutes, it feels great to connect with the inside world, our internal world, through various yoga postures.
Pandiculation. Naturally moving and connecting with our body and whatever it needs at the moment.
Working on “life work.” Life work, for me, is work that is of service to ourselves and others. Work that makes you come alive. Work that brings love to the world.
Integrating micro workouts throughout day. 50 pushups, planks, abdominal exercises…..small workouts throughout the day provide energy and focus.
Reading a book. 
Drinking 64 oz of water – staying hydrated.
Spending time in nature. A small walk around the block or a long hike in the woods is a great way to re-connect.
Learning. Youtube videos, podcasts, books, research. A trip to the library or local used book store.
Awareness as a mindset. “Are you aware?” How your body and mind naturally reacts to this simple question might bring you very close to one of the highest forms of meditation, but from a simple perspective, living in a natural state of awareness and being aware of the moment, with little distraction of mind, is a mindset I enjoy.
Service as a mindset. Doing the next thing or task that helps others. I love this mindset when at work. Focusing on the next task in front of you that will benefit someone else. Helping others and making others feel good is incredibly special. Watch how much joy overcomes your body and mind when you help someone else.
Practicing no sense of lack, no sense of separation. Limiting thoughts of “I want this” or “I don’t have this” and instead living without a sense of lack is a great place to be.
Savoring beauty. Think of St. Francis of Assisi. Look at the leaves on the trees, the clouds in the sky, the flowing river. Be amazed. Feel the ground underneath your feet and be in awe of this opportunity called life.
Spending time with family and friends. Quality time and presence with loved ones.
Reducing time spent on the phone and digital devices. 
Limiting social media and comparisons.
Journal. Writing down whatever comes to mind and new ideas. Poetry, stories, notes from research.
Cold water awareness exercise. Increasing awareness through cold water therapy and practice.
Eating good food.
Appreciating art. 
Listening to music. 
Serving others – philanthropy. 
Loving. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Gratitude exercise to start the day and before bed. Who and what are you thankful for. It feels good to recite these people or things out loud or in a journal right before the day begins to take off or right before sleep.
1 comment blevine32

One thought on “Masterpiece Days

  1. Paz says:

    Amazing post, Brian !
    Succinct & crisp 🙂 wonderful actions/practices that you have laid out here.
    A few more that come to mind:
    Physical touch with others…. for example hugging your kids/spouse or other family member/friend. One of my favorite activities has become reading a book with my son while we are laying down close together with him laying on my arm. Even better is the skin to skin contact 🙂 ……..(now we’re stacking activities…physical touch & “read a book” at the same time)

    Sweating…..whether it is from strenuous exercise, breathing/pranayama, sauna, steam room, sweating is great.
    Words of affirmation…..you mentioned prayer, which is great. The idea of words of affirmation is similar….whether it is words to yourself said aloud while looking in the mirror, saying a mantra, praying, affirming another person such as a family member, or reading words of affirmation, it can be a wonderful addition to the day 🙂
    Gardening…. nurturing a garden is fulfilling & eating from an organic garden means you know exactly where your food came from & that it is indeed healthy. The food didn’t travel across the world/country to get to you which is good for numerous reasons. Fun to share food from garden with friends/family/those in need. This is another activity that can be stacked with other practices on the list….gardening with family in the sun first thing in the morning for example 🙂
    Doing some form of community service is a great idea too, perhaps once per week or once per month.

    Absolutely love this post & hoping we (& anyone reading this) can add ideas in the comments section of this post.

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