30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself
I saw this via my cousins Facebook page. Sometimes its good to minimize our lives. This list from BSPCN has thirty different ways we can do that. Stop spending time with the wrong people. – Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. If someone wants you in […]
Mind Blowing Art
Young Korean artist Jee Young Lee recently presented her beautiful, surrealistic and Photoshop-free photography exhibition named “Stage of Mind”. The magic happens in the artist’s small 3,6 x 4,1 x 2,4-meter studio in Seoul. The artist builds these highly dramatic, psychedelic and visually intense scenes herself, ensuring that every teeny tiny detail is hauntingly perfect […]
Affective Prayer by Ronald Rolheiser
One of the classic definitions of prayer tells us that prayer is raising mind and heart to God. In essence, that says it all. The problem is that often we raise our minds but not our hearts. Our prayer tends to be intellectual but not affective and we tend to think of prayer more as […]
Beautiful Music: Lisa Gerrard, Now we are free
Lisa Gerrard is from Australia. Her divinely, beautiful voice has been around for over 30 years. This is one of my favorite songs – it is featured in two of my favorite movies, Gladiator and Man on Fire.