Restoring The Atleo River from Mark Wyatt on Vimeo.
Via LMLRN Lets be honest, the truth hurts. Telling the truth can scare and intimidate some people, and their day-to-day interactions are littered with moments of pure dishonesty. Maintaining those lies becomes a mental burden and it takes a toll on all the other areas of a person’s life. The beauty of truth is in its simplicity and the ease with which […]
“Yoga practice would be ineffectual without the concepts on which yoga is based. It combines the bodily and the spiritual in an extraordinarily complete way.” -Renowned Swiss psychologist Carl Jung
This sanskrit word is regarded in different ways by different groups. I’ve heard it described as the normal way to say hello and goodbye to people in India. But in a less casual way, and how we intend for it to be used within yoga culture in the West, is like this, “The highest/most divine/light […]