If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone

Happiness, Yoga

If you make friends with yourself….

18 Nov

The Freedom of Not Wanting Anything

“Life just takes care of life…and its doing that even now. But on the human plane, when there is intense expectation, intense planning, intense yearning, intense programming, intense conditioning, all of these energies are pulled together and something becomes very tense about it. In that moment of tension it’s like what’s going to happen? But for One who knows, there is nothing to happen. Your being is not a happening. Its not waiting for an outcome of an event. It is already complete.”

“Close your eyes, be quiet, and trust.”

“For one whose heart and whose attention is immersed in the True, they do not need to worry; for one whose mind and heart is immersed in the untrue they will worry — they cannot help worrying. Because they have made their ego their own life boat, they will worry.”

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