Pop-Up House
Pop-Up House: the affordable passive house from Multipod-Studio on Vimeo.
Why Don’t We Practice Ashtanga on Moon Days?
Practice Ashtanga on Moon Days? Why don’t we practice Ashtanga on Moon Days (Full Moon and New Moon)? You will find that traditional Ashtanga shalas and studios are closed on Moon Days because Moon Days present us with an opportunity to take a break from our asana practice and reflect on the natural, subtle changes we […]
First Steps in Growing an Organic Fruit and Vegetable Garden
It’s Friday at Lucid Practice, so that means it’s time for a garden post! This spring, Kate, Brian, Danielle and I started our own organic fruits and vegetable garden. We purchased our membership into the the Westport Community Garden Association and we were granted a 20′ x 10′ plot. The first step was to create “raised beds.” […]
Zen Breakfast
In the go-go world of modern life, a lot of people think breakfast has to be fast — a doughnut on the way out the door with a cup of coffee in the car. But the very word breakfast has a spiritual meaning. To eat breakfast is, literally, to break one’s fast — to resume eating after […]