The Ladder of Success?
Thomas Merton said that the way we have structured our lives, we spend our whole life climbing up the ladder of supposed success, and when we get to the top of the ladder we realize it is leaning against the wrong wall—and there is nothing at the top anyway. To get back to the place […]
9/30 Art: Amazing Vimeo Video: Unique French Potter’s Inspiration & Lifestyle
Jean-Nicolas Gérard – The Potter’s Potter from goldmarkart.com on Vimeo.
Food Waste – A Story of Excess
10/2 Art: Black Unicorn Dreams from unCagedBaby
We have talked before about unCagedBaby’s beats. In the past he has dropped a weekly mixtape called “Elevators to Heaven.” We haven’t had an elevator ride in a while. He was cut off by Soundcloud — they probably thought the music he was making was too smooth and fresh to be promoted on Soundcloud. Well […]