Dark Cloud / White Light from Joseph Michael on Vimeo.
A book is a magic portal to another dimension
Patagonia’s ‘Buy Less’ Plea
“It’s been almost two years since Patagonia began urging its outdoorsy customers to buy less—to sit out “Cyber Monday” and ask themselves: Do I really need a new fleece jacket or, for that matter, a state-of-the-art, 1,000-fill, dry-clean-only $700 parka and all the carbon burning that comes with it?” In an interesting article Bloomberg Online […]
Wind Map of the Earth
You’ve probably seen the cool wind map of the US, but there’s one for the whole Earth now. (via Kottke/df)
The Artist’s Rituals
Daniel Sidell, an art curator, connects art to the spiritual world. Although an artist is free to do and make anything in the studio, she has a responsibility to do something. And that requires tremendous discipline and the willingness to ask the most fundamental questions. Each day she goes into the studio asking: “Who am […]