Juba is the capital and largest city of the Republic of South Sudan. It also serves as the capital of Central Equatoria, one of the ten states of South Sudan. The city is situated on the White Nile and functions as the seat and metropolis of Juba County. (Wiki)
Jeff Koons & Pharrell Williams: Affirming The Viewer
Our Vivid Planet
Megan Gambino talked to photographer and geologist-by-training Bernhard Edmaierabout how he captures his aerial shots of Earth, such as the above photo of Landeyarsandur, Iceland: “I do a lot of internet research, including Google Earth [searches], study satellite images of planned destinations, maintain close contact with local scientists and commercial pilots, deal with various authorities and negotiate flight permits,” […]
What the Prisoner’s Dilemma Taught Me
I’m more actively engaged in learning more now than I ever was in college but there are college intellectual experiences that I often reflect on. Learning about psychologist Robert Alexrod’s 1984 experiment, The Prisoner’s Dilemma is one of those. This experiment taught me about decision making and the role that emotions play. It taught me about […]
A Helpful Guide to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Joshua Becker writes an awesome piece on how to stop comparing ourselves to others: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” —Theodore Roosevelt I’ve struggled with it most of my life. Typically, I blame it on having a twin brother who is five inches taller with much broader shoulders. But if I was being truly honest, more likely, […]