Benefits of Astragalus
Astragalus is a little known herb in the West but it is used widely in Asia. Astragalus (its technical name is Astragalus Membranaceous) is a staple in Traditional Chinese Medicine. One of the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine is in taking preventative measures to prevent illness and disease. Astragalus Root Tea can be consumed daily […]
1/27 Destination: Golfito Bay, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Had a blast running and practicing on Golfito Bay the other day. Look forward to sharing more about the Osa Peninsula soon!
Amazon Groceries
http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/06/04/net-us-amazon-grocery-idUSBRE95311Q20130604 Amazon could be the company that finally delivers sustainable fruits and vegetables to neighborhoods that do not have proper access. “Amazon.com Inc is planning a major roll-out of an online grocery business that it has been quietly developing for years, targeting one of the largest retail sectors yet to be upended by e-commerce.”
The 7 Best Foods to Boost Your Memory
http://www.mindbodygreen.com/1-10009-7/the-7-best-foods-to-boost-your-memory.html Lisa Guy believes walnuts, coconut oil, eggs, green tea, rosemary, oily fish, and berries are 7 of the best foods to help boost your memory. Jump to the article for more info on each selection.