9/16 Quote: BKS Iyengar
“If you practice yoga every day with perseverance, you will be able to face the turmoil of life with steadiness and maturity.” ~BKS Iyengar
Richard Rohr: We don’t come to God (or truth or love) by insisting on some ideal worldly order or so-called perfection, but in fact we come “to knowledge of salvation by the experience of forgiveness” (Luke 1:77)—forgiveness of reality itself, of others, of ourselves—for being so ordinary, imperfect, and often disappointing. Many also have to […]
Via Imgur
I’m not always one to share my opinion…because I feel I don’t really know anything. I do spend a lot of time thinking about this life. Why not? Today we were talking about the concept of being at peace and “dying before you die.” I tend to think a lot about practicing death. If I were to die today, […]
In a masterfully edited video, David Ehrlich presents his 25 favorite films of 2013. H/T Kottke