The Livability Index: The 35 Best U.S. Cities For People 35 and Under
Via Vocativ If you’re 24, buried in college loans and looking for a job in a city that’s affordable but not completely depressing, you’re probably wondering where to start. We started with the 50 most populous cities in the country, according to the 2010 census, and pared down results from there using Open Internet sources. […]
Fair or Foul?
http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21576688-unpaid-student-athletes-are-heart-multi-billion-dollar-industry-fair-or-foul This week’s issue of The Economist looks at American college sports, a multi-billion-dollar industry with unpaid athletes.
“Return to Patagonia” – Lemon Jelly
11/23 Destination: Dublin, Ireland
Via Reddit