Is this Love?
Robert “Nesta” Marley: Corrine Bailey Rae: Allen Stone: Some dope beats to start the practice today. It is all love…..!
Seth Godin: Nature and nurture (professional edition)
The boss, conference organizer, co-worker, interviewer, parent or client who wants your best work, your art and your genuine enthusiasm: …can demand that you bring your best possible work the first time, can point out that they are paying you well, that they’re busy, that they’re powerful, and that they accept nothing short of high […]
1/9 Art: Surreal Photo Manipulation
Via HongKiat Surreal photo is basically displays of a designer’s rich imagination of subjects which then injected into real pictures. Most of these surreal pictures are captivating be it pleasant or not because it is not what we experience in our daily life hence it is out of norm. Given it is not an event we […]
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.
~ Dalai Lama