10/16 Destination: Aerial View of Amsterdam
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Poetry Corner: What Buddha said to the Monks
Where is this One? How can we find that One? The Saints say that the One is hidden in the Name. The Divine Name. The name of Love. And that by constant repetition, gradually but INEVITABLY the Presence that is hidden in the Name reveals itself! Where? In our own hearts! The medicine of the […]
Fascinating Discussion on Travel and Ancient, Indigenous Culture
Wade Davis is an award winning anthropologist, scientist, author, photographer, and film maker. But more than anything, Wade is an explorer. He has provided us with profound insights on culture through his living with little known indigenous societies all over the world. Wade Davis Books: Click to preview the books Wade Davis has penned. I intend […]
15 Meditation Books For Beginners Recommended By Buddhist Teachers
Via Huffington Post Meditation is everywhere. From the baby room to the board room, everyone recommends meditation to help focus, calm, and restore the mind, body and spirit. But how does one meditate? What resources are out there to help beginners to start a sustainable meditation practice? While there are many different forms of meditation, […]