Stephen Hawking’s big ideas… made simple
Poetry Corner: What Buddha said to the Monks
Where is this One? How can we find that One? The Saints say that the One is hidden in the Name. The Divine Name. The name of Love. And that by constant repetition, gradually but INEVITABLY the Presence that is hidden in the Name reveals itself! Where? In our own hearts! The medicine of the […]
Inspiration from the Grateful Dead
There is a road, no simple highway, Between the dawn and dark of night, And if you go no one may follow, That path is for your steps alone. -From the Grateful Dead song “Ripple“ Phil Jackson mentions this verse in his new book Eleven Rings as the quote that got him started on his journey of […]
Use Compost Tea to Supercharge Organic Garden Growth
Compost Tea as a Fertilizer We experimented with our own version of compost tea this summer. It happened organically (haha 😉 ) when a tub of our compost (mostly banana & orange peels) started to form liquid nutrients at the bottom. Upon researching this topic, it turns out that compost tea is a well known […]