Why Don’t My Heels Touch The Floor In Downward Facing Dog
Your heels may never touch the floor in Downward Facing Dog. It isn’t a hard and fast rule. This pose is a spine lengthener, and you want to use your arms and legs as a way to support the actions of lengthening the spine while keeping the hips and shoulders in alignment. Sometimes, your stance […]
11/25 Art: Jeff Koons & Pharrell: Affirmation Abstraction Acceptance (Full)
A few weeks ago we saw a portion of this full interview.
You Won’t Remember Being Stuck in Traffic
David Eagleman writes a good 60 Second Read for Big Think: Let’s say you’re on a very boring airplane ride over to Europe. During the event it might seem like it’s taking a long time. But in retrospect, once you’ve gotten off the plane, it’s like there was no time there at all. The reason is you […]
Kevin Durant 2014 MVP Speech (Dedicated to his Mother)
If you are a parent, help your kids do one thing….Believe. Teach your kids that no matter how big or small they are, they can accomplish anything in this world they want to.