Maha Kumbh Mela
M a h a K u m b h M e l a from a d r i c w a t s o n on Vimeo.
Photographer Follows His Girlfriend Around the World
Russian photographer Murad Osmann and his girlfriend Natalia Zakharova love to travel the world together, and they have documented their travels and their love for one another in a beautifully unique way. In a photo series entitled “Follow Me” uploaded to Instagram, Murad captures gorgeous photographs of his girlfriend leading him by the arm through various exotic locations around the world. Together they […]
3 Ayurvedic Cleansing Techniques You Can Start Using Today
3 Ayurvedic Cleansing Techniques to Implement Today Ayurveda is the ancient Indian science of life that has been used for over 4000 years. Here are three simple Ayurvedic cleansing techniques that you can begin today. These techniques may seem odd or complex, but once learned, they are easy to understand and execute. These three Ayurvedic […]