12 Happiness Activities:
1. Expressing Gratitude 2. Cultivating Optimism 3. Avoiding Overthinking and Social Comparison 4. Practicing Acts of Kindness 5. Nurturing Social Relationships 6. Developing Strategies for Coping 7. Learning to Forgive 8. Increasing Flow Experiences 9. Savoring Life’s Joys 10. Committing to Your Goals 11. Practicing Religion and Spirituality 12. Taking Care of Your Body: Meditation + Physical Activity + Acting Like a Happy Person Via Entheos.com […]
9/27 Art: Minimalist “Stacks”
Check out more of Donald Judd’s “Minimalist Stacks” — here.
8/14 Art: Great Buddha of Kamakura
The Top 10 Yoga Music Artists
Many students have a hard time finding their own “yoga music” to enjoy at home. So, Do You Yoga compiled a list of amazing spiritual and yoga based music for you to practice to. I’m not sure why Krishna Das (one of our favorites!) is not on the list but this is great nonetheless! 1) […]