3 Aug
Is Love Willpower?
We were having a conversation last night about love. Is love willpower? Or is willpower love? Or is that the same question?
5 Ways to Do Your Yoga Practice by Building Willpower Many people understand that a daily yoga practice leads to a more enriching life. When we practice, we feel better. We are more in tuned with our senses, with our friends and family, and with the world at large. The problem many of us have is […]
3 Things You Didn’t Know About Tea and China Every other Wednesday night, my friend Jane from Hangzhou, China, meets a few of us at the local library for Mandarin Chinese lessons. It’s a small group, usually me, Jane, and Thomas. Thomas is a great guy who’s passionate about Mandarin and more advanced in his […]
Willpower takes energy from love. So if there is not love there is no willpower. There is nothing.
Love embraces every aspect of ourselves, so yes love is willpower.
Thanks for the comments. Great to hear different perspectives 🙂