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12/12 Destination: Anchorage, Alaska
Extremely Powerful Motivational Video – Eric Thomas’ Secrets to Success
I saw this for the first time about three years ago. I have watched it over one hundred times. If you teach in an urban area or an area of intense struggle – please show your students this video. We were able to show students in West Philadelphia and they really enjoyed it.
12/9 Destination: Boulder, Colorado, USA
The Yamas: What is Brahmacharya? What is it to you?
What is Brahmacharya? In recent posts, we’ve discussed many Yamas and Niyamas of Yoga, but what is Brahmacharya? The Yamas are the first limb on yoga’s eight-limbed path. They are ethical disciplines Yogis live their lives by. In the last few weeks we have wrote about the four other Yamas: ahimsa, satya, asteya, and aparigraha. Today […]
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