Mentawai Islands Surf Video
Enjoy some swells on your hump day. Hakuna Matata!
“Good morning, This is God. I will be handling All of your Problems today. I will not need Your help, so have A miraculous day.”” ~ Wayne Dyer from The Power of Intention
I just finished reading Al Gore’s book The Future. The book was based on 6 themes or what he refers to as “drivers” of the future: economic globalization, the digital revolution, climate change, dwindling natural resources, shifts in the global balance of power and advances in the life sciences. I do not care about Al […]
Is what you’re practicing actually yoga lite? Maybe it’s actually Tantra. Have you ever questioned whether or not you’re a real yogi? Can you call yourself a real yogi if you don’t meditate in a cave, wear a loincloth or orange robes, or know which mantra or mudra to use at exactly the right moment? […]
~Robert M. Pirsig