Super cool visuals to enjoy this song with. Never a bad way to start your day!
Hakuna Matata
First published on Daily Cup of Yoga By cultivating friendliness towards happiness and compassion towards misery, gladness towards virtue and indifference towards the wicked the mind becomes pure. ~ Yoga Sutra 1:33 Consider this: A yoga teacher gets a better time slot than you and her class is full when you arrive to teach the next class. […]
I had the opportunity to listen in on a discussion about St. Francis. St. Francis was an Italian Catholic friar and preacher. He lived in the 12th and 13th centuries. I listened in on a man talking about him a few weeks back. Here are my notes: –In order to go out and evangelize – […]
Clayton Cornell and The Huffington Post present an interesting list of 20 things he learned while traveling around the world: Most places are as safe (or safer) than home. I remember confessing to my mother recently that I had a big night out in Budapest and stumbled back to my apartment at dawn. Her reaction […]
~William Shakespeare