Lucid Practice
A Blog Featuring Enriching Content on Travel, Wellness, Art, and Yoga
10/1 Art: Mountain Climbing Photos
Huffington Post has a great set of dynamic mountain climbing pictures — here.
Jonathan Carroll on Dogs
“Dogs are minor angels, and I don’t mean that facetiously. They love unconditionally, forgive immediately, are the truest of friends, willing to do anything that makes us happy, etcetera. If we attributed some of those qualities to a person we would say they are special. If they had all of them, we would call them […]
Crossing the Atlantic in a One-Person Boat: The Story of John Fairfax
This story from 1969 is crazy. John Fairfax decided to paddle across the Atlantic Ocean in a trip that took 180 days. Most people picturing a solo row across the Atlantic think of loneliness as the most daunting obstacles to overcome. But John was estranged from that emotion. He’d always been happy alone, and he […]
The Age of Revolution: 10 Lessons for Leaders of the Change Generation
7) Let Love Fuel Everything That You Do To experience Love you must be Love. Let love be the primary force behind everything that you do and you will find out what it feels like to truly live. Once you experience true love, it can never leave you despite changes in external circumstances. If you […]
Tuesdays With Timji: The Monday Night Class
We profiled a Tim Miller Lecture video two weeks ago. Today, I wanted to highlight Tim’s weekly blog post, Tuesdays with Timji. I thought that it was a real post, and to see that Tim Miller, a yoga teacher who knows a lot more than a lot of us about the practice, even struggles to get people to […]
The Five Koshas Explained: How They Impact our Yoga Practice
Kara Leigh-Grant explains how The Five Koshas Impact our yoga practice — here. The yogis define our body as having five layers or sheaths, each one contained within the other, like Russian Dolls. Called Koshas, these sheaths cover every aspect of our being, from the most gross to the most subtle. Kosha #1 is Annamaya […]
Malcolm Gladwell: The unheard story of David and Goliath
10/1 Quote: The greatest step toward a life of simplicity is to learn to let go. ~Steve Maraboli
9/30 Destination: Paris, France
Whil, a 60 second meditation program.
Burnt out from today’s constantly-connected world? Whil encourages us to take 60 seconds out of our busy lives to meditate. It’s amazing what this discipline can do to help relieve stress and improve mental focus. Try it, you’ll like it. Check out the video — here.
9/30 Art: Amazing Vimeo Video: Unique French Potter’s Inspiration & Lifestyle
Jean-Nicolas Gérard – The Potter’s Potter from on Vimeo.
Lucid Lessons from Summer Basketball Part II
This is a continuation of last week’s post, if you haven’t read it yet, you can see it here. The Nats were different than most teams. When things got tough for the team, they didn’t get down on each other or themselves. The Nats encouraged each other and their positive energy was infectious. As a result, […]
10 Choices You will Regret in 10 Years
Broccolicity brings us ten awesome choices to keep us happy. I personally like #2 and #9 as guidelines to help myself live a more lucid life. 2. Letting someone else create your dreams for you. The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are; the second greatest is being happy with what you find. A […]
9/30 Quote: “When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others.” – Dalai Lama
New Sharath Video: Proper Vinyasa for Uttakatasana & Veerabhadrasana
New Sharath Video: Proper Vinyasa for Uttakatasana & Veerabhadrasana Sharath Jois, grandson of the late Pattabhi Jois (the Father of Ashtanga Yoga) demonstartes proper form for Uttakatasana & Veerabhadrasana. Hope you can incorporate this into your practice.
The Most Important Image Captured by Hubble
The video posted here is one of the most fascinating, and mind-blowing, found on the internet. The vastness of space is always so amazing to try to fathom. Hakuna Matata
9/29 Quote: The more light you allow within you, the brighter the world you live in will be. ~Shakti Gawain
How to Store Your Superfoods for Freshness
Originally Posted on Mind Body Green Superfoods are becoming commonplace in kitchens across the world. Now that we all know what they are and why we should eat them, it’s time to learn how to store them properly. My absolute favorite way to store any kind of superfood, specifically nuts and seeds, is in a glass […]
We connected with SARDOGS Nepal on twitter and think the work they are doing is awesome. Here is their mission statement and some work accomplished: More than 70 % of our Nepalese people live from farming, fishing and day labor jobs. Many are spending their entire lives in remote area villages. When in these communities […]
First Honest Marijuana PSA
Andrew Sullivan posted this earlier this week. The war on drugs in America is an interesting topic to say the least.
What is Iyengar Yoga?
DoYouYoga is killin’ it right now. If you do not read it, I highly suggest it. We continue to post and learn a lot from that site. What is the purpose of Iyengar Yoga? The purpose of Iyengar Yoga is to increase health. It is strictly alignment-based and instructors focus on getting the pose just right. Iyengar is […]
9/28 Quote: Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness. ~Thich Nhat Hanh
9/27 Travel: Lake Baikal, Russia
9/27 Art: Minimalist “Stacks”
Check out more of Donald Judd’s “Minimalist Stacks” — here.
Tips on How to “Jump Through” in Yoga
Patagonia’s ‘Buy Less’ Plea
“It’s been almost two years since Patagonia began urging its outdoorsy customers to buy less—to sit out “Cyber Monday” and ask themselves: Do I really need a new fleece jacket or, for that matter, a state-of-the-art, 1,000-fill, dry-clean-only $700 parka and all the carbon burning that comes with it?” In an interesting article Bloomberg Online […]
Musk, Branson, “star” in new Khan Academy classes
A big theme of this LP week has been learning. We have pushed our minds to learn more and more about “material.” It’s interesting trying to balance an Eckhart Tolle approach of Presence, and disconnecting our minds from a “physical, material” world, with “turning on” our minds and pushing ourselves to learn more of what […]
Never too late. A man learns to code.
Yoga 101: What does Namaste Mean
This sanskrit word is regarded in different ways by different groups. I’ve heard it described as the normal way to say hello and goodbye to people in India. But in a less casual way, and how we intend for it to be used within yoga culture in the West, is like this, “The highest/most divine/light […]
9/27 Quote: The greatest things in life are not things. ~ Unknown
Fall Movie Guide
Deadspin has put together a very nice “Fall Movie Guide.” Check it out — here.
This Is How Tomatoes Should Really Taste
Via TreeHugger There is nothing quite like a real tomato, a tomato as it is meant to be grown and eaten. A tomato should have a fragile skin that is under pressure to contain the juice and seeds within, splitting open easily and explosively. It should almost dissolve as you eat it, filling your […]
9/26 Art: Hoop Dreams
Paris-based photographer Adrian Skenderovic displays Hoop Dreams: The Beautiful Ruins of Basketball Courts
Yoga devotees bend over backwards to see Indian guru
Swami Ramdev Ji, who reportedly has an 85 million-strong worldwide following, led a yoga class for nearly 2000 practitioners at the Emirates Arena. But, although he was pleased by the turnout, the spiritual leader said he was used to larger numbers. Swami Ji said: “This is a miracle for you but when I practice in […]
Crowdfunding Is About to Go Bananas
Via Vice: Although it’s still best known as the go-to cash source for indie bands, Zach Braff, and guys who want to build their own robots, crowdfunding took a big step into the mainstream this week, thanks to a new law that paves the way for entrepreneurs to take their fundraising requests straight to the masses. […]
Chakra Hand Positions
BBC: How yoga is helping prisoners stay calm
We don’t normally post from the same source two days in a row (or should say we have not in the past). But…the BBC posted a massive piece last night covering yoga in prisons, and I think it is worthwhile to continue to spread the amazing message of how the practice is transforming lives. Check […]
9/26 Quote: Rumi
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
9/25 Art: Sunset Through Waves…
5/6/2013 Quote:
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes a sense of our past, brings peace for today, […]
10/4 Destination: Rio Grande Bridge, Taos, New Mexico
Image via Wikimedia Commons
Information about Water and Hydration
1) YOU DON’T HAVE TO DRINK PLAIN WATER TO HYDRATE. Oatmeal is 84% water, low-fat milk is 90 percent water, coffee is 99.5% water, lettuce is 96% water, tomatoes are 95% water, broccoli is 89% water, low fat vanilla yogurt is 79% water, ice cream is 60% water. 2) Thirst pains are real. Yes, we […]
5/31 Quote: K. Pattabhi Jois
“With practice, all is coming.” ~ Krishna Pattabhi Jois