BBC: Harvard plans to boldly go with ‘Spocs’
If you’ve only just caught on to the concept of online university courses called Moocs, then you’re in danger of falling behind again. Harvard, one of the world’s most influential universities, is moving on to Spocs – which stands for small private online courses. Nothing to do with Star Trek and sombre Vulcans, but plenty […]
Barry Obama
http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2013/04/barack-obama-laid-back_slideshow_item22_23 Pictures of Barack Obama at work.
5/31 Quote: K. Pattabhi Jois
“With practice, all is coming.” ~ Krishna Pattabhi Jois
Free air! Buddy Wakefield discusses vipassana meditation
A lot of interesting concepts in this video. If you pull a bent breath through the second hole of a harmonica tuned to the key of Georgia while a train moves by on the tail end of dusk there is a good chance you will finally know what it means to rest.