One of the best parts of a meditation practise is learning new techniques. There are so many different pranayamas or breathing exercises.
We try to document different techniques so we can go back to them whenever the moment is right.
PsychCentral and Margarita Tartakovsky put together a nice write up recently on how different teachers techniques.
Having a beautiful view also serves as inspiration for Ed Halliwell, a mindfulness teacher and co-author with Dr. Jonty Heaversedge of the book The Mindful Manifesto. He lives next to the village churchyard, which becomes his main meditation spot in the summers. He explained why the churchyard is so inspiring:
First, the churchyard overlooks the gorgeous, green rolling hills of English countryside known as the Sussex Downs. Opening my awareness to this wonderful view reminds me of the preciousness and beauty of the world, instilling a sense of awe in me as I breathe in its majesty.
Second, the church itself is around 1,000 years old, and observing its ancient architecture connects me to centuries of spiritual practice, a sense of there having been many, many generations of humans seeking heartfelt wisdom in the face of life’s uncertainties.
Thirdly, in the churchyard there are hundreds of gravestones, reminding me of the transience of this life, the inevitability of death, and the value of fully experiencing and celebrating every moment, whatever it brings.
Read more — here.
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