Guaranteed to Give you Chills: Amazing Three Minute Video Ad
Thanks to our friend Biz for passing this along. This video is the epitome of loving kindness. Let’s hear you reactions in the comment section below.
On the Road: Middle school football players execute life-changing play (video)
Cheers to this middle school football team. Lets continue to help people who may not be able to help themselves.
Seth Godin: Thinking About Money
Many marketers work overtime to confuse us about money. They take advantage of our misunderstanding of the time value of money, of our aversion to reading the fine print, of our childish need for instant gratification and most of all, our conflicted emotional connection to money. Confusing customers about money can be quite profitable if […]
David Pogue: 10 top time-saving tech tips
http://www.ted.com/talks/david_pogue_10_top_time_saving_tech_tips.html A short TED talk on saving time with technology.