7/29 Quote: Turkish Proverb
A heart in love with beauty never grows old. ~Turkish Proverb
Some very solid points by Mr. McKenna. To be aware of the constant programming is a form of positive energy. Hat tip to Trigs for the link!
Traveling Ratankiri Cambodia was amazing! As many of you know, I was recently in Cambodia teaching English, studying the Khmer language, working with NGOs, and traveling around the beautiful country. We made a trip to Ratankiri, a small province (even for Cambodian standards) of less than 100,000 inhabitants, felt so different from Siem Reap. The population and commerce […]
Auld Lang Syne is a staple of New Years Eve; however, I wanted to post this excellent version involving quotes and important moments from the 20th century. Every year when the calendar turns, I love to look back, and this video offers a great way to remember. I hope everyone enjoys and has a beautiful […]