Ole Scheeren: A Beijing Essay on Nowness.com

“This city is strong, robust, self-assured,” says Ole Scheeren of Beijing, where he has lived and worked since the early 2000’s, when he came to oversee the construction of the iconic Chinese Central Television (CCTV) Headquarters as Director and Partner of Rem Koolhaas’ Dutch firm, OMA. “Even though it has transformed dramatically, it has never lost touch with itself entirely.”

Marina Abramovic and Ulay shared a great love story in the 70s. Together they performed art out of the van they lived in, forming a collective called “the other”.

When their relationship had come to an end, they went to the Great Wall of China to walk it together. Both started walking from the opposite end until they met in the middle for one last big hug before disappearing from each other’s lives.

This is one of the more beautiful videos/stories you can be lucky enough to experience. Watching true love through the eyes of two people is an amasing experience.

Hakuna Matata