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30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself
I saw this via my cousins Facebook page. Sometimes its good to minimize our lives. This list from BSPCN has thirty different ways we can do that. Stop spending time with the wrong people. – Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. If someone wants you in […]
Magic is essentially the Higher understanding of Nature
Victory Over the Darkness of Suffering
This song changed my life. It continues to change my life. Practicing life to this song, happiness flows through me. My analysis or thoughts cannot do Baba Hanuman justice. Here is how Krishna Das wanted these powerful words to be translated: Baba Hanuman Namo… Namo…Anjaninandanaaya I bow, I bow again and again to Anjani’s son, Hanuman […]
Opportunities abound in bad times as well as good times. In fact, the opportunities are often greater when the conventional wisdom is that everything is going into the toilet.
~ Tim Ferriss, The Four Hour Work Week