Via Reddit
When was the last time you tried something new?
There are always flowers for those who want to see them.
Photograph by Danielle Lussier of Lucid Practice.
Protect your crops from next frigid snap
I hope your cold frames survived last week’s frigid blast; now it’s time to brace up for the next round, which should arrive tonight. All my five cold frames fared well so far. Some of the more tender vegetation was a little limb one morning, but after the sun came up and warmed the chambers, […]
Why Don’t We Practice Ashtanga on Moon Days?
Practice Ashtanga on Moon Days? Why don’t we practice Ashtanga on Moon Days (Full Moon and New Moon)? You will find that traditional Ashtanga shalas and studios are closed on Moon Days because Moon Days present us with an opportunity to take a break from our asana practice and reflect on the natural, subtle changes we […]