Tools to Transcend Comparing Ourselves to Others
According to Matthew Klein, medical seer and healer living in Los Angeles, “Seeking God outside yourself is like trying to lift a box while standing inside of it.” Granted, the force of the Uni-verse is everywhere. It is in everything. But your personalized source of Uni-versal energy is found within. Go a little deeper, and […]
Coming soon: World’s first ‘invisible’ tower
A bit old in the news, but I thought this was a really interesting piece of art that is still in the developmental phase. From CNN: For architecture buffs numbed by the ongoing global battle to crank out record-breaking tall buildings, here’s something innovative to spark the imagination. The South Korean government has granted approval […]
10/4 Quote: Carl Jung on Yoga
“Yoga practice would be ineffectual without the concepts on which yoga is based. It combines the bodily and the spiritual in an extraordinarily complete way.” -Renowned Swiss psychologist Carl Jung