Gravity and Grace, El Anatsui (Ghana), 2013- Currently @ Brooklyn Museum
Check out Ai Wei Wei’s and Olfaur Eliasson’s new project entitled MOON. Celebrate with us the gathering of creative powers from around the globe to mark the passage from nothing to something and from thinking into doing. Savour this moment of transformation. Leave your fingerprint and see the shared moon grow as others reach out too. […]
5 Ways to Do Your Yoga Practice by Building Willpower Many people understand that a daily yoga practice leads to a more enriching life. When we practice, we feel better. We are more in tuned with our senses, with our friends and family, and with the world at large. The problem many of us have is […]
Ong Namo -I bow to the subtle divine wisdom. Guru Dev Namo – I bow to the divine teacher within. I have no idea why today I sit in front of a computer, but I trust that this is where I am supposed to be. In this moment, we are blessed. Wherever you are, […]
To my great regret, I no longer know how to be lazy, and summer is no fun without sloth. Indolence requires patience—to lie in the sun, for instance, day after day—and I have none left. When I could, it was bliss. I lived liked the old Greeks, who knew nothing of hours, minutes, and seconds. […]